How To Create A Narrative Essay With Pictures And Impress Your Teacher

If you are given a narrative paper, you should come up with a unique story to impress your teacher. One of the best ideas is to add pictures to your assignment. You can either create a photo essay or write a traditional paper with pictures. The former method will allow you to write less but you will have to choose the wording more carefully. The latter method is used when you want to make an accent on something important and include an illustration to your work.

How to Compose a Photo Narrative Essay

These easy steps will help you prepare an interesting photo essay on any topic:

  1. Select a topic idea and write it down.

  2. Create a short list of the main points that you would like to tell about.

  3. Select the photos that can illustrate your points or make them if necessary.

  4. Print out the best photos and use a sheet of paper to organize them.

  5. Check whether everything flows together and is visually connected.

  6. Add your assignment’s title, photo descriptions, and write your name, course ID, and due date on the back side of your photo essay.

  7. Ask your friend or family member to look at your work to ensure that your main point is clear and understandable.

So, your assignment will look like a photo collage with comments or a graphic novel. Remember that you should proofread the provided text to make sure that there are no mistakes and all the comments are to the point.

How to Add Pictures to a Traditional Narrative Paper

Although the method described above is easy and fun, your instructor may ask you to prepare a traditional narrative essay that involves more writing. The following guidelines will help you complete the assignment with pictures:

  • Choose a theme that you can cover without outside research.

  • Add personal details to the story.

  • Outline the key thoughts and ideas that you would like to share.

  • Draw a picture or take a photo that illustrates your thesis statement.

  • Select a few important details that you can emphasize by adding some graphics.

  • Create a few illustrations using computer tools or drawing them by yourself.

  • Write your draft and decide where to insert your pictures.

It is necessary to entitle the pictures. You can come up with funny titles if this fits with your topic idea. Either way, you should pay more attention to the quality of your writing instead of trying to create perfect pictures.

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